Innovative pricing and product solutions

Our listeners love any excuse to spend quality time with the best presenters in SA, in the intimacy of a car or all by themselves with their headphones.
- Radio listening remains strong – 75% of the SA population listened in the past 7 days.
- According to the latest BRC RAMS figures, listening to radio in the car, via car radio has had an upward trend compared to the previous survey.
- Our radio audience are regular listeners to radio – actively tuning into radio 6 or 7 times a week.
- The most popular listening device for audiences that listen to the Mediamark portfolio of radio stations is in the car radio at 49%.
- Top reasons why consumers tune in to Mediamark stations: Music (95%), Local News (87%), Weather Updates (84%) and Traffic Updates (78%)
Source: BRC RAMS AMPLIFY July 2022 – June 2023
Mediamark brings you the best features of radio and digital to innovate solutions aimed at increasing brand awareness, impact, frequency, and reach.
Whether you want to take advantage of appointment listening and heightened awareness, the power of the presenters or the perfect match of digital, social and radio you have come to the right place.

Anchor Feature Packages
Maximise your ad message and budget
This great opportunity is an association with the station’s anchor feature reports such as sport, news, and traffic. Listenership during these times is heightened as these reports deliver important information aimed to help listeners navigate their day. Opening billboard plus 30″ closing recorded generic spot.

Presenter Live Read Packages
For when you message needs to change - like yesterday!
Use the power and persuasion of much loved station personalities to stand out: 30″ advertisements, read out by the presenter live on air.

Content Block
Create engagement for your hard-earned content!
Content Blocks are pieces of client dedicated content published and promoted across the platform on which it is running. This content may take the form of articles, videos, podcasts, or infographics, and is aimed at educating viewers, positioning client as the expert, and promoting product offerings.